Narcissistic Personality Myths

By Brenda Stephens
There are so many opinions about narcissistic personality disorder out there. Some may seem silly, but some are incredibly common. Below, we’ll debunk the common myths of NPD.
MYTH: Social media turns people into narcissists. Social media is not responsible for turning people into narcissists, but it gives them an easy platform to gain more attention.
MYTH: All narcissists are outgoing. We expect narcissists to be jovial and outgoing, but this is not always true. Just because someone has a quiet demeanor doesn’t mean they can’t be a narcissist. When someone drains your energy, it’s time to look at why. When they make you feel like your brain is in a fog or like you’re “going crazy,” pay attention. Your intuition is telling you something that your brain is ignoring.
MYTH: All narcissists have low self-esteem. This is a little controversial. Some will say this is true, but others say it’s false. I believe the confusion lies in the presentation. Considering that there is not a healthy path to personality-disordered traits, this is inherently true to some degree.
MYTH: People with narcissistic personality disorder can have healthy relationships. Given that one of the hallmarks of NPD is a lack of empathy, this is not true. It would be best if you cared about others to have healthy relationships. Period.
MYTH: You can change a narcissist. This false hope is why many of us stay loyal to our narcissists for so long. We hope they will change. We hope our mothers will finally apologize for the hurt they caused us, and then we will feel whole. They don’t change.
At Stephens Therapy Associates, we have a team of therapists specializing in healing from narcissistic relationships, trauma, and more. Contact us today if you’d like to learn more.