Explore a selection of our enlightening blog articles below.
Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse: Reclaiming Your Identity with Professional Guidance for Recovery
Introduction Narcissistic abuse is a deeply traumatic experience that can leave lasting scars on a person's self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. Victims of narcissistic abuse often find themselves stripped of their identity, constantly doubting their worth, and struggling to regain their sense of
Feel Like You Are Addicted to Your Narcissist?
The inconsistent behaviors of a toxic relationship produce a potent cocktail of addictive hormones. Oxytocin (AKA the “Love” hormone) is the bonding hormone released during cuddling, hugging, sex, massage, and other forms of touch. Dopamine is the happy hormone. It is released when someone
What’s the worst type of narcissist?
I often get asked which is the worst type of narcissist. I feel like this is kind of like asking which type of fish smells worse once it’s rotten. They’re all terrible. I will say, however, that the “Covert” or “Fragile” might tip the
Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse (SoNA) Support Group
So many of us have had the experience of no one seeing the whole picture of our experience in our relationship with a narcissist. Because people do not understand the intricacies and insidiousness of the narcissist’s behavior, we can feel unsupported and unheard. While
Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse: Are You an Empath?
Many of us are noticing our empathic tendencies and getting more in touch with them. There is a lot of talk out there about how those who consider themselves highly sensitive and empathic got that way. Some believe that the highly sensitive and empathic
Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse Workshop with Brenda Stephens
As people start working through the abuse they have experienced, one of the most challenging changes in processing what they’ve been through is to start seeing the relationship for what it was: abusive. A client I once worked with had been married to her